N.B. Blue underlined text links to pdf documents. Adobe pdf reader available for free here.
Parish Council meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of the month at 6.0 pm in the Village Hall. They are open to the public.
Parish Council meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of the month at 6.0 pm in the Village Hall. They are open to the public.
You will find all Agendas & Minutes plus related reports and Financial Reports under the Menu called Meetings and documents. The Councillor's name is against each report. If you require further information, please contact the relevant Councillor.
Their contact details are under the menu heading Contacts.
N.B. Hard copies of the latest Agendas, Minutes and Reports are always posted in the Visitors Information Point by the Community Shop.
See Draft Minutes for Parish Council Meeting on Monday13th January 2025 in the Church Hall
Agenda for Parish Council meeting on Monday February 17th 2025 at 6.0 pm in the Village Hall
Their contact details are under the menu heading Contacts.
N.B. Hard copies of the latest Agendas, Minutes and Reports are always posted in the Visitors Information Point by the Community Shop.
See Draft Minutes for Parish Council Meeting on Monday13th January 2025 in the Church Hall
Agenda for Parish Council meeting on Monday February 17th 2025 at 6.0 pm in the Village Hall
Heaths & Seas Landscape Recovery Group
See documents in respect of recent meetings which are addressing problems of flooding and footpath maintenance. There will be local drop in centres for the public in due course. Doc 1 Doc 2
See documents in respect of recent meetings which are addressing problems of flooding and footpath maintenance. There will be local drop in centres for the public in due course. Doc 1 Doc 2
Road Wardens
We now have two Road Wardens who will do minor tidying and clearing work around the Parish. You can contact them via the Clerk.
We have a very successful Speedwatch group operating in Yettington. A group is needed to monitor speed in East Budleigh. If you want to volunteer and especially if you are willing to co-ordinate the group, please get in touch with the clerk at [email protected]. The process is very straight forward. Your group decides when to go out to a road that has been approved by the police, and you record speeds on a simple device. The information is uploaded to a police database. Warnings are sent out by the police to persistent speeders, which can result in the police visiting the offender.
We need representatives to chase up on Traffic matters (potholes & speeding), to participate in decision-making about our environment and to assist with Planning decisions. You will be representing and reporting on matters that concern our residents. |
Be Prepared for Emergencies.
Please see our Resilience Document, which includes information on how to prepare an emergency bag of vital items. Also see the new website here prepare.campaign.gov.uk/
If there is an emergency such as a flood or road blockage, phone 0345 1551004
Please see our Resilience Document, which includes information on how to prepare an emergency bag of vital items. Also see the new website here prepare.campaign.gov.uk/
If there is an emergency such as a flood or road blockage, phone 0345 1551004
Door to door collection. Fantastic variety of trips to stores, garden centres, lunches etc. See timetable THEY WILL HELP CARRY YOUR SHOPPING TOO! |
N.B. See notices on local matters, Council Agendas and Minutes, grants and opportunities, Emergency Contacts and a Book Exchange in the Visitors Information Point beside the Community Shop, which is run by the Parish Council and managed by Councillor John Tresidder. |
The Budleigh Youth Club, Moor Lane, Budleigh Salterton, is open for Years 6 and 7 every Thursday during term time.
It's a fabulous place for your children to hang out, with lots of activities and a wonderful group of volunteers who run it, it's also only £1! Further details and information on how to sign up can be found on their website www.budleighventurehall.co.uk/youth-club.html
If there are children from Otterton and East Budleigh who do not have transport, we may be help, please get in touch.
The Budleigh Youth Club, Moor Lane, Budleigh Salterton, is open for Years 6 and 7 every Thursday during term time.
It's a fabulous place for your children to hang out, with lots of activities and a wonderful group of volunteers who run it, it's also only £1! Further details and information on how to sign up can be found on their website www.budleighventurehall.co.uk/youth-club.html
If there are children from Otterton and East Budleigh who do not have transport, we may be help, please get in touch.
If you have concerns about anything in the Parish, you can report it by googling Report a Problem, Devon County Council. This will receive attention quicker than sending an email , as the reports go straight to a database for action.
Download the EDDC App to your smart phone: You can report issues that are of concern, such as potholes, rubbish, repairs, blocked drains etc.
See our Local Groups page to find out what's on.
IMPORTANT: See all documents about the draft LOCAL PLAN, which is open for consultation plus related documents.
We now have defibrillators: Outside the Village Hall, in the telephone kiosk in Yettington and at the Football Club on the Recreation ground. See this video on how straightforward it is to use them. |
Latest Bus Timetable for Exmouth & District Community Transport Group. Great trips to all the local shops and eating places, for anyone who cannot easily access or use public transport. See copy in the Visitors Information Point by the Shop
Visit this site to find out if you are eligible for a grant towards home improvements/energy efficiency/ Solar Panels
Also see www.ourplaceourplanet.org for ideas on how to help towards a carbon neutral future. This covers suggestions on Travel, Energy, Waste and Food
Visit this site to find out if you are eligible for a grant towards home improvements/energy efficiency/ Solar Panels
Also see www.ourplaceourplanet.org for ideas on how to help towards a carbon neutral future. This covers suggestions on Travel, Energy, Waste and Food
Princes Trust opportunities for young people aged 18 to 30 Assistance in preparing to apply for work: www.wikijob.co.uk/
£2,000 in government funding available to help with childcare costs
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) are today (18 October) encouraging families across the UK to not miss the opportunity for government-funded help towards their childcare costs. Families could save up to £2,000 a year towards their childcare costs to help pay for October half-term holiday clubs and wraparound care during the school terms. More than 391,000 families saved money on their childcare costs in June 2022, worth a total of £41.6 million in top-up payments, and HMRC is reminding thousands of other families to not miss the chance to save up to £500 every 3 months, or £1,000 if their child is disabled. Families can sign up to Tax-Free Childcare to help pay for holiday clubs, before and after-school clubs, childminders and nurseries, and other approved childcare schemes. It is available to families with children up to the age of 11, or 17 if their child has a disability. The government will pay 20% of childcare costs by topping up the money paid into a Tax-Free Childcare account. This means for every £8 paid into the online account, families will automatically receive an additional £2 in government top-up. |
Open Up To Skills
A new initiative is being launched to provide training opportunities for people working in Devon’s catering, hospitality, leisure, retail and tourism sectors. The “Open Up To Skills” project will support 700 additional training places to improve workforce skills and will also benefit businesses within these sectors as part of Devon County Council’s economic recovery response to the coronavirus pandemic. The £450,000 project will provide training which will either upskill employees within their existing workplace or deliver new skills to improve the opportunities available to those seeking alternative employment within other sectors. A wide range of skills support will be on offer covering everything from digital, financial and operational management skills to diversification into areas such as food hygiene, and other practical skills including customer service. See details for Businesses and Employees: https://skillslaunchpad.org.uk/skills/open-up-to-skills/ |
What to do if Covid-19 has impacted your personal and household finances
More information about financial and food support for families and individuals in Devon is available on the Devon County website.
The Government has published some useful advice if you are self-employed, claiming benefits or needing to make a claim for benefits and statutory sick pay – www.gov.uk/government/news/coronavirus-support-for-employees-benefit-claimants-and-businesses
Assistance for families with data for Mobile Phones. See assistance
Universal Credit Claims can be made
More information about financial and food support for families and individuals in Devon is available on the Devon County website.
The Government has published some useful advice if you are self-employed, claiming benefits or needing to make a claim for benefits and statutory sick pay – www.gov.uk/government/news/coronavirus-support-for-employees-benefit-claimants-and-businesses
Assistance for families with data for Mobile Phones. See assistance
Universal Credit Claims can be made
The NHS Every Mind Matters website provides expert advice, practical tips and information about how to look after your mental health and wellbeing and "make inside feel better"
East Devon Coronavirus Community Support Hub Hotline
Information on Hospitals Sleep Problems Deaf Community Assistance Government Advice for Businesses Updated 21March Home Working, Pay & Sick Pay Assistance from Churches Police Assistance and Arrangements Covid 19 Helpline or 01395 571500 Missing Persons Support Group Learn Devon - Training Courses to help return to work Get connected via Zoom online video conferencing. You can practise. See zoom tutorials to help residents keep in touch |
Universal Credit
Local Food Suppliers & Delivery Free Education & Training Resources for Adults Devon Is Closed Family Resource Kit Suicidal Devon Communiities Victim Service & Support Organisations Stop Loan Sharks www.gov.uk/statutory-sick-pay www.gov.uk/universal-credit citizensadvice.org.uk/coronavirus The RD&E Hospital, Exeter has launched a new site where you can find information on a huge range of topices www.rdehospital.nhs.uk Preparation for Job Interview: https://www.wikijob.co.uk/ |
FLY TIPPING. Report it. Use the EDDC App on a smartphone for a quicker response.
To use the free GOV.UK Coronavirus Information Service on WhatsApp, simply add 07860 064422 in your phone contacts and then message the word ‘hi’ in a WhatsApp message to get started.
To use the free GOV.UK Coronavirus Information Service on WhatsApp, simply add 07860 064422 in your phone contacts and then message the word ‘hi’ in a WhatsApp message to get started.
Phone calls are being received in respect of Loft Insulation. This is a scam. Do not respond and do not let anyone into your house. Police are aware.
Emails are being received that look like genuine Tax documents about a refund. This is a scam. HMRC will always write to you if you are due a refund. Emails are being received, looking as though they come from a parishioner, requesting financial help. This is a scam. If in doubt always telephone the person first on a local number to check. Text messages and emails are being received warning it is your last chance to update NHS information. This is a scam |
National Trading Standards Press Release on scam risks at https://www.nationaltradingstandards.uk/news/beware-of-covid19-scams/ Useful information available at https://www.friendsagainstscams.org.uk/
Talktalk scam email says your credit card details need updating. Do not click on the link. If in doubt check with www.talktalk.co.uk Royal Mail. Email says you must pay to receive a parcel. This is a scam. Do not give personal information. Emails are being received sayig your Census information is not complete. This is a scam. |
Local Management Outbreak Plan
Bus Timetables
https://www.traveldevon.info/bus/latest-news-service-updates/ Travel Devon
https://www.stagecoachbus.com/promos-and-offers/south-west/covid-19-timetables Stage Coach
Passenger Guidance https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/884507/passenger-guidance-infographic-document.pdf
Bus Timetables
https://www.traveldevon.info/bus/latest-news-service-updates/ Travel Devon
https://www.stagecoachbus.com/promos-and-offers/south-west/covid-19-timetables Stage Coach
Passenger Guidance https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/884507/passenger-guidance-infographic-document.pdf
Tom of The Wandering Pig, makes fresh Pizza outside the Village Hall every Tuesday evening.
Tom of The Wandering Pig, makes fresh Pizza outside the Village Hall every Tuesday evening.
If you own a property adjoining the Budleigh Brook in East Budleigh, you are also highly likely to own part of the adjoining brook, and if so, you are responsible for maintaining the bed and banks of the brook - an essential maintenance task to help minimise the risk of flooding. If you own a property adjoining the brook, please read the document "Help Reduce Flood Risk in East Budleigh". This is important, as if an owner fails to suitably maintain their part of the brook, they may face legal action!
In case of flooding in East Budleigh, new sand bags are now stored at the side storage shed of the East Budleigh Community Shop. If emergency access to these sand bags is required, please contact John Tresidder on 07999 837686
We ask our Parishioners to be considerate to others when thinking of lighting a bonfire. The smoke can be both irritating and a health hazard. Lighting a bonfire should always be a last resort. EDDC's guidance on bonfires can be viewed here.