The Referendum
The finalised Neighbourhood Plan, revised with the Examiner's comments, was submitted to EDDC on 28th February and approved by Cabinet on 8th March 2017. EDDC sent the resubmitted Plan to Referendum, which was held on Thursday 25th May 2017.
Update on the Referendum - from the Neighbourhood Plan Chair
We have been informed that EDDC has accepted the East Budleigh with Bicton Neighbourhood Plan (the Plan). The next stage is that there will be a Referendum in the Parish to allow parishioners the opportunity to vote to support, or not to support, the Plan. If more than 50% of voters support the Plan then it moves forward to become a legal, binding document. The Referendum will take place on 25th May 2017 and details on how to vote will be set out in the next issue of the Parish Magazine. The accepted Plan can be read here and hard copy will be available for loan from the Information Point in East Budleigh. The Plan expresses the Vision that the Parish should maintain the balance and proportion of what we have. Thus, while accepting and recognising evolution and development, the Plan reflects the community’s wishes that the Parish should retain its unique and intimate character. The Plan sets out a series of Policies to achieve this vision and a summary of the Policies is set out below... * All residential development in the Parish (including extensions) will have to be sympathetic to the character and scale of surrounding buildings and landscapes and must not add to flood risk in the Parish. The Built-up Area Boundary of East Budleigh is designated in the Plan and residential development outside this boundary will have to provide affordable housing (e.g. one- and two-bedroom dwellings) in accord with the Local Plan and national guidelines. Any new development will need to provide sufficient off-road parking space. High-value agricultural land (e.g. Grade 1 land to the north and east of East Budleigh) is designated only for development of agriculture, forestry or betterment of community facilities. * The local landscape, allotments, green spaces within East Budleigh (e.g. All Saints Churchyard) and biodiversity will be protected and enhanced, particularly with respect to public rights of way, bridleways and green wildlife corridors. * Community facilities (e.g. the Shop, pubs and Halls) will be protected and proposals to enhance the community value of the assets will be supported. Similarly, recreational facilities (e.g. playing fields) and tourist assets (e.g. Bicton Park) will be supported, protected and where possible enhanced. * The development of small business enterprises will be supported, provided the result would not have a negative impact, for example on the landscape and/or character of the area. Better provision of mobile telecommunications and broadband connectivity will be sought. In addition to these Policies, the Plan puts forward a variety of Community Actions, inter alia, promoting social and pastoral cohesion, proactively connecting with all the educational establishments, extending pathways, seeking better public transport etc. The East Budleigh with Bicton Parish Council strongly supports this initiative and Councillors are hopeful that the community will vote also to support their Neighbourhood Plan. Stan Roberts, Chair March 2017 Update on the Referendum result - from the Parish Council Chair
East Budleigh with Bicton Parish Council is delighted with both the turn out of 37.5% and overwhelming support of 88% voting in favour of the Council’s Neighbourhood Plan. The Plan will now become the cornerstone of how the Council will look to take the Parish forward in support of its vision: To maintain the balance and proportion of what we have. While recognizing the need for evolution and development within the Parish, the community wishes the Parish to retain its unique and intimate character. The Parish Council would like to take this opportunity to thank Professor Stan Roberts and his team for their outstanding work in producing this impressive Plan. It is hoped that the EDDC Cabinet will endorse the Plan and it will then form part of the Development Plan for East Devon alongside the East Devon Local Plan 2013-2031. It is now up to the community to take it forward and ensure that it guides the sustainable development of the Parish over the next 14 years. Jon White, Chair East Budleigh with Bicton Parish Council May 2017 |